Credit-card cash backs, Loyalty Cards, Group-Buying websites, Discount Auctions, Coupon Books, Teller-Receipt vouchers, and thousand-page plus Printed Coupons, we’ve seen it all.
But now the playing fields are different!
It is a fact that today’s customer is more resourceful and seamlessly connected with one another. iPhone, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Blackberry, YouTube, and Pinterest are just a few names that have influenced our social habits and behavior.
In short, customers now have the power of information and the freedom of choice like never before, in history.
So, don’t you think it’s time to embrace the change? ...
Spot n Win! Automated Brand Promotion System, is an interactive fun-filled Branding Gamification platform that puts you in Full Control. This is a system that connects you to your prospects and customers, without a push.
That’s our Guarantee with the capital ‘G’.
Using the powerful tools and communication systems of today, Spot n Win! brings you a continual interactive brand exposure that’s unparalleled to any of its present-day substitutes.
Spot n Win! is an advanced advergaming technology that reinforces brand awareness, alongside a coupon/discount offer…